Stcc The Game 2 Steam Dll Files
Hi I posted this in the Steam forum, with no reply yet, and though that I may have more success here. Hopefully BTW I have read the pdf file available from this website, which walks you through setting up a dedicated server.
I have a bit of a problem with Race 07 dedicated server, and steam, running on Window 7 Pro x64 bit. In my game library I have:- Race 07 STCC 2 GT Power Expansion When I go to the Steam > Tools Menu, there is no Race 07 dedicated server listed for downloading/installing. The closest I can get is:- GTR Evolution Demo Dedicated Server Race On - Demo: Dedicated Server STCC The Game Demo Dedicated Server So there no dedicated server files associated with either race 07, STCC2, or GT Power Expansion. If I browse to my Steam Install > steamapps > MyAccountName > Race07 folder, there is a:- RaceDedicatedServer_Steam.exe If I try to run it directly, I get a Steam.dll is missing error. So I assume that the dedicated server must be run via Steam, yet it's not actually available for me to run/install via Steam.
Steam: Non Steam: Games. Find the Euro Truck Simulator 2 directory Copy X-Sim.dll file in the /plugins directory of Euro Truck Simulator 2. + STCC-The Game. Feb 17, 2015 - (Valve Corporation) C: Program Files Steam Steam.exe (Microsoft). C: Program Files Google Google Earth plugin npgeplugin.dll (Google).
Has anyone any ideas on how to resolve this please? BTW there is no race07ds folder (probably because it's not installed by steam yet) Can the dedicated server files be downloaded from elsewhere on the net perhaps, from a trusted/official source, so I can run it on a non-playing machine on my LAN? Hi Yes I have tried the right click too, and yes it is the full version of the game installed, not the demo. Actually a friend of mine bought it today, and I asked him about it. He doesn't have the dedicated server available for download either. If I can't get the files independently, then it looks like I will have to raise a ticket with Steam, and ask them where the option to install the DS has gone.
Annoying when the actual RaceDedicatedServer_Steam.exe file is present in the race07 folder, but I can't run it Cheers. Yes it is strange. I bought this about 5 or 6 days ago, I couldn't resist the price A friend bought it yesterday, and has exactly the same problem, it's not in the tools menu. Luckily for him he doesn't want to use the dedicated server anyway. Except to play on mine I have raised a ticket with Steam, but don't expect a rapid response.

So i have uninstalled all content, including add-ons (STCC2, GT Power), and removed the folders. Now I have spent the last hour or so TRYING to download via Steam a fresh install. It would seem that every Steam server is frigging busy! I've tried London, Manchester, Sweden, Japan, New York, Los Angeles and now I am on San Diago. I've got backup files if I really need to play. I am going to try Race 07 alone first, then add the add-ons later.
None of it worked, everything is as it was before I re-installed everything. With Race 07 installed alone, there is no dedicated server available to download/install via Steam. This is the one really bad thing about Steam, being locked into their system, great when it works, terrible when it doesn't. For a dedicated server there is absolutely NO reason why I shouldn't be able to go to Simbin's website, download it and run it. Epson r230 printer driver. Without all this BS with Steam. Online bail enforcement training and education.
I copied the steam.dll into the Race07 folder, and can now run the dedicated.exe directly, however it crashes during server boot, after the track loads. I have tried running it as administrator and in XP compatability mode, with no joy. Of course I don't know whether the crash is due to something else, or the fact that the Race 07 dedicated server has NOT actually been installed (from the tools menu) or run directly via Steam. I saw what you saw, the Half-Life dedicated server logo. Hi Thanks for the reply.