Writing Exercises For Esl Learners In The Classroom
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Most of them can even write complete sentences. But they can’t really write. Writing, and I mean good writing, whether it is in your native or second language is not easy. And it’s not something we do intuitively, naturally. Good writing has to be taught. Let’s face the facts.
I hope some of the writing activities I share with you will help you to reduce anxiety in your ESL students and increase their language and writing skills. Use the Daily Page for ESL Students as your startup 'home' page to get one quiz a day from this collection. Help by Writing a Quiz. Thousands of quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language.
Students want to English. They rarely want to write (and if they do, it’s for business purposes). But it is absolutely essential for ESL students to learn solid writing strategies.
Good writing skills, in any language, are a big advantage in the job market and vital for academic success. So, let’s look at the writing strategies you should be teaching – today! How to Teach Writing Strategies •.
4 Independent Practice There’s no better way to improve writing than by practicing and then practicing some more. Give them writing assignments they must complete on their own and then turn in. Make sure to give the kind of feedback that will encourage them to keep writing. Of course, you have to but focus on how well they have used a particular writing strategy. Maybe their text is plagued with spelling mistakes, but the text is clear and well-organized. The Writing Process Students should be familiar with the basic writing process: • Generate ideas • Organize and develop ideas • Edit You can ask students to generate ideas on their own; you can do it as a class.
But they must know what they will write about before they put pen to paper. The way they organize their thoughts will depend on the writing strategy you are teaching. Editing and revision should be left for last. Some Writing Strategies for the ESL Classroom •. 1 Fast and Furious Writing Say you’re trying to foster.
Nothing kills creativity faster than agonizing over every single word and how it’s spelled. This exercise is great for when you want to get those creative juices flowing. Remember and remind students that this is not a grammar or spelling exercise. The main objective is to get some writing done! Give them a topic to write about – make it easy, something that will flow easily, like a narrative: Write about the best summer vacation you ever had. Tell them they will have a time limit (say 10-15 minutes).
They must write as fast as they can, just letting the words flow. No erasing or pausing. Give them a one minute warning before time is up. Once they’re done, they will have produced what they should consider a raw material, not the final piece of writing. Help them polish this raw material for grammar, spelling and structure. They should start the revision process on their own and submit it to you for a final revision. 4 Addressing the Reader One aspect of good writing that students need to know is that they must always address the reader.
What does the reader need to know? What questions can they expect the reader to ask? For example, if you're writing an email to invite people to a special event, you can expect them to want to know when and where it will be held.
Bear in mind that ESL students need specific types of writing strategies. They may rarely have to write lengthy essays or reports (or they might have to, particularly students who will sit for international examinations). Give them the type of writing they will need. And give them the tools to get it done.
ESL writing activities are important because they teach students to express their thoughts and use arguments so they can support their points of view in English. Therefore, it is important to do ESL writing exercises not only as homework, but also as a classroom activity. In this article, we will outline some interesting ESL writing activities that are suitable for interactive work in a classroom or while. These are some of the best ESL writing activities Writing Tweets Most of your students should be familiar with Twitter and tweets, so it can be a good starting point for an ESL writing exercise.
Encourage students to write short tweets on the given ESL writing topic. You can even create a Twitter account for your class where the learners can share their thoughts. By the way, recently Twitter has exceeded the number of characters per post from 140 to 280, but still you can stick to the old 140-character format and maintain the conciseness. Writing Emails Emails are the main source of communication between people around the world, and that’s why email writing is a key to effective communication. Explain to your students the difference between formal and informal emails, outline the structure and and encourage the students to write their own emails. They can write emails to each other based on a specified topic, such as organizing a surprise party for a friend’s birthday. Writing Ads and TV Commercials Advertisements and commercials are a great example of creative writing, so they can be used as writing.