Basic Greek Phrases Pdf Converter
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Microsoft Translator is a cloud-based API that is conveniently integrated into multiple. Or translate the entire document, Word Translator makes text translation easy with. Translate selected text: Select words and phrases for translation, and simply. Microsoft Word Online lets you read and edit Word and PDF documents.
Relativistic quantum fields bjorken pdf files free. (YAH sahss) (means literally 'your health') Hello. (informal) Γεια σου.
(YAH soo) How are you? Τι κανετε; (tee KAH-neh-teh?) Fine, thank you. (And you?) Καλά, ευχαριστώ. (Και εσείς;) (kah-LAH ef-khah-rees-TOH (keh eh-SEES?)) What is your name? Πως σε λενε; (pohs seh LEH-neh?) My name is ______.
Με λενε ______. (Με LE-neh _____.) Nice to meet you. (HA-ree-ka) Please. (pah-rah-kah-LOH) Thank you. (ef-khah-rees-TOH) You're welcome.
(Pah-rah-kah-LOH) Yes. (OH-khee) Excuse me. (getting attention) Συγνωμη. (See-GHNO-mee) Excuse me. (begging pardon) Συγνωμη.
(See-GHNO-mee) I'm sorry. (lee-PAH-meh) See you later.
(Ta LE-me) Goodbye. (AHN-dee-oh) I can't speak Greek [well]. Δεν μιλω καλα ελληνικα. (dhen mee-LOH KAH-lah eh-lee-nee-KAH) Do you speak English? Μιλατε αγγλικα; (mee-LAH-teh ang-glee-KAH?) Is there someone here who speaks English? Μιλαει κανεις εδω αγγλικα; (Mee-LAH-ee ka-NEES e-DHO ang-glee-KAH?) Help!
(Voh-EE-thee-yah!) Good day. (kah-lee-MEH-rah) Good evening. (kah-lee-SPEH-rah) Good night. (kah-lee-NEEKΗ-tah) I don't understand. Δεν καταλαβαινω. (dhen kah-tah-lah-VEH-no) Where is the toilet? Που ειναι η τουαλετα?

(poo ΕΕ-ne ee too-ah-LEH-tah?) Greek Pod 101 Want to learn more Greek? Sign up for a free account at.