Xbox 360 Boot Disc V 2.4 Download Free
Save xbox 360 boot disc to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. + Items in search results. (Microsoft Xbox 360, 2013) Mint Disc Fast Free Shipping. Aug 24, 2017 - Playing backup games online may result in your Xbox 360 console. They are burned on dual layer DVD+R discs. Jigsaw farms. Stealth patching patches a game image to make it ignore the security check done by the Xbox 360 console upon boot. The burn should take around approximately 40 minutes at 2.4x write.
An anonymous reader writes 'The, allowing users to boot backups of games on the new Microsoft console. A group of hackers on the forum managed to trick the DVD firmware into reporting a recordable disc as an original Xbox 360 disc. This means that it will not allow booting of unsigned homebrew code (like Linux), as the signature check is not bypassed. This hack will just trick the Xbox 360 into thinking you inserted an original Xbox 360 disc, so it'll only boot unedited executables. A has been released, the hack has not been released to the public (because it will be mainly used for piracy), but all the research of the last few months is publicly viewable.'
I read Playboy mainly for the page numbers, and the index. I mainly enjoy looking up a random page in the index, and then finding it in the magazine by binary search. I've written a program in Perl that helps me train; I type in the number of pages, and then it selects a random page for me, following a gaussian distribution (I don't want to have to find the index! Lol!) and then I navigate to it. After a few years practice, I've got down to an average of less than two seconds for any given page number. I've got my girlfriend doing it now as well, we can sometimes spend entire evenings sitting down with my Linux box, seeing who can get to page 58 first!
Its absolutely fantastic. What I find interesting is that it's yet another case of a 'perfect' protection being broken. No matter how good the lock, a professional thief (or curious old-school hacker) will get past it.
All locks ever do is keep out people who respect locks. AFAIK, nobody has managed to backup and burn GameCube discs. You can stream backups from your PC to your GC over a LAN.
So while it's a functional hack, it isn't nearly as. I wonder why they ignored the only schema so far that has kept the modders from ripp. Yeah, but booting non-MS code is much more difficult than booting copied discs. All you need to boot copies of retail games is DVD-ROM telling xbox, that it's xbox360dvd in the drive. In order to run unsigned binaries you have to crack several levels of protection, some of them embedded into the processor itself. And these are not your garden variety propriety measures hackable in an hour by sophomore CS student.
So, you still can't run XBMC (NG) on Xbox360, but you can play all the pirated games you want. Weird, isn't it? I own original Xbox modified with DuoX modchip. Of course I have several pirated games installed on my (upgraded) HD. I would have bought some games I love (like burnout 3, 4), if it weren't for extremely stupid, suicidal policy of MS to ship Xbox with defective DVD drives that don't read DVD-R etc disks[1]. So, for me it's funny.
MS is doing anything it can to make Xbox 360 unatractive to me and to prevent me from ever buying legal copies of games for either its old or new system.;) Robert PS If you want to condemn me as unwashed pirate, bugger off. I have a DVD collection bought legally, exceeding 300 DVD-s. Give me fair deal and I'll make your toilet solid gold. But if you want me to bend over for marginal gain, you must have been smoking something very strong all of your life. [1] You see, me and my wife are compulsive sci-fi/crime series watchers.
Unlike me, my wife can't really comprehend them in English, so whenever I buy dvd set I process it to add Polish translation. But -- in order to play those remastered DVDs -- I had to change the Xbox DVD drive to PC DVD drive, to read DVD-R. And PC DVD drive won't read original xboxdvd discs. Admittedly, it's also the reason I have an Xbox in the first place; a friend of mine had to scrap his when the DVD-ROM drive just up and started not reading discs with the kind of reliability you need to actually, well, play them. So I have an Xbox, hacked it, but the way to play games is to copy them over my LAN onto the HDD, or sometimes one can convince the disc drive to copy a game to the hard drive, but it's impossible to actually play legit games legitimately.
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