
Second Life Griefing Tools Cliparts

1 Jan 2000admin

They are the first performance art group in Second Life: serious guys, practicing artists, curators and academics in real life, who decided to sound out the performative possibilities offered by a.

Seems like the griefers no longer have to hawk their bombs in the sandboxes. They are taking it to the masses. Here are a couple item description excerpts from the weapons section on SL Exchange: 'Simple to use. Just type in /5 boom and the whole world explodes!! Forces most AVs to relog. Super powerful. Unlimited C-4 Packs per purchase.

Great item, great deal.' 'Don't let this weapon fall into the hands of SL terrorists. The ultimate of ultimates, upon detonation this bomb kills every avatar in the sim and hurls their bodies to the surrounding sims.' Somehow posting 'Purchaser expected to use within SL Terms of Service.' Doesn't seem to make this right. Considering neither of these can be used within the TOS. Seems like the griefers no longer have to hawk their bombs in the sandboxes.

They are taking it to the masses. Here are a couple item description excerpts from the weapons section on SL Exchange: 'Simple to use. Just type in /5 boom and the whole world explodes!! Forces most AVs to relog. Super powerful. Unlimited C-4 Packs per purchase.

Great item, great deal.' 'Don't let this weapon fall into the hands of SL terrorists. The ultimate of ultimates, upon detonation this bomb kills every avatar in the sim and hurls their bodies to the surrounding sims.' Somehow posting 'Purchaser expected to use within SL Terms of Service.' Doesn't seem to make this right. Considering neither of these can be used within the TOS. Yeah, someone was selling listening devices specificly designed for covert spying a few weeks ago there too.

Might still be, I dunno. I guess it's not really the sites job to police the content, but you would think the Lindens would take a critical view of this.

So this is an interisting issue. Should sellers, of both Webshops and Malls (not to descriminate), take responsibility in not allowing these sort of things that could for all purposes, and most likely are, used against the TOS? How do you differenciate? To me, the first item which would force avatars to relog, is more dangerous than the second item. I would definitly not allow the first one to be sold in my mall/onlineshop, but the second one I may. Its a judgement call that is up to the personal viewpoint of the owner of said mall/webshop. I think it's a fine line with some things, even 'covert devices', as to whether they violate the ToS or not.

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Certainly the last time it was discussed, there were some plausible legitimate uses for them put forward. However, can anyone see any legitimate reason why you would need bombs, the effect of which is to clear the sim by abusing everyone in it? I can't, to be honest. And as such, it would seem that this is a clear cut case of items designed with one sole purpose which is explicitly forbidden by the ToS.

I don't think it would be at all unreasonable to ban them for sale, or for the Lindens to take action merely for the sale of them. YMMV, of course. In real world shop keepers are responsible for what they sell. I wonder why it shouldn't be the same for SL. Only to a certain extent, of course, at least in America. A store that sells a gun used to shoot someone isn't generaly responsible, as long as the gun was purchased legaly.