
Osram Halotronic Htm 150 Manual Projection

1 Jan 2000admin

2  “COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES“ What do company owners need? — A system for several rooms that can be fl exibly expanded — Light exactly where it’s needed — Maximum energy savings What helps employees? 3 4 1 LED lamps can be operated on a wide range of standard dimmers; for details and results of compatibility tests go to www.osram.com/dim and the links on that page to additional technical product information sheets. LED Lamps Contents. PREMIUM UPGRADE HEADLAMPS NIGHT BREAKER ® PLUS 174 SILVERSTAR ® 175 COOL BLUE ® 176 ULTRA LIFE ® 177 TRUCKSTAR ® 178 XENARC ® 179 XENARC ® COOL BLUE ® INTENSE 180 NIGHT RACER ® 180 X-RACER ® 181 ORIGINAL 12V AND 24V BULBS Original 12V and 24V halogen headlight bulbs 182 Original 12V and 24V headlight bulbs 183 Original Stop, tail and directional 12V and 24V auxiliary bulbs 183 Original Parking and interior 12V and 24V auxiliary bulbs 184 Original Festoon 12V and 24V auxiliary bulbs 184 Original Wedge base 12V and 24V auxiliary bulbs 185 MINIWATT ® 186 MINI EUROBOX kits 187. Installation instructions for MR16 luminaires Product overview The following products are required for the replacement of an MR16 halogen lamp (or for initial installation): • COINlight Pro (LED module) • Matching OPTOTRONIC control gear Replacing an MR16 halogen lamp with a round COINlight Pro LED module is very easy and can be done within minutes. The following instructions are also applicable for initial installations of LED luminaire systems.

Scan receiver tanaka komodo bisa digunakan untuk apa. Please observe the safety and mounting information specified in the product data sheets.

Per pole up to 2 x 150² or 4 x 70², for suitable cable in-feeds see accessories. AK product manual, is available. Electronic transformers up to 150VA (e.g. OSRAM HALOTRONIC®, HTM 150 Mouse). Projection, with additional weather. Optimum area for primary cables. Optimum area for secondary cables.