Novel The Power Of Six Versi Pdf Creator
A list of six multimedia PDF files showcasing what you can do to jazz up your own PDF documents. Yet thanks to the power of the PDF format, this is no longer the.
From cave paintings to paper documents, we’ve communicated ideas with static words and basic images. Yet thanks to the power of the PDF format, this is no longer the case.
Why should you limit your documents to archaic standards when you could have interactive, multimedia versions? Learn what you can do with the PDF format. With the help of 6 awesome examples of multimedia PDFs and handy links, you can learn how to turn your boring, static documents into multimedia wonders. Multimedia Portfolio When you need to quickly show off a vast array of what you can accomplish with the PDF, there’s no easier way than in a PDF portfolio. They’re a great way to combine a number of multimedia elements into a single format.
Gross beat keygen download. Here’s one creative from the Washington Post and Slate Magazine that was recently published on the Adobe Acrobat Users Community ( AAUC) gallery. It showcases a profile of current US President, Barack Obama, while on the campaign trail to the White House. This PDF portfolio puts campaigning on a different and more creative level.
If you’re a photographer, sound engineer or composer, you can use the AAUC to give your PDF portfolios some exposure and even get some tips on how to get it into top form. It’s a great place to browse tutorials on, find or check into the for tips and tricks. 2.Video Elements Movement attracts the human eye, so why not attract more eyes with videos embedded directly into your PDF files. Here’s a great PDF that puts the embedded video element center stage. Created by Harry Hermus from dividi projects, this amazing PDF shows Pink Floyd musician David Gilmour’slive performance of embedded right into the PDF.
Embedding video in PDF files is not as hard you might think. You can even embed YouTube videos by downloading them and converting them to whatever compatible format you desire. 3D Elements Make that information leap off the page with 3D elements and highlights in your PDFs. With the right tools and some patience, you can even make them interactive.
In addition to a PDF Portfolio gallery, the AAUC also maintains a for the PDF user community. Straight from the AAUC, this showcase gives you a first hand look at how complex a PDF graphic can get. Learn how to manipulate, rotate and view a 3D graphic right in the PDF file itself.
For more information on creating a 3D PDF, check out the AAUC where you can find a number of handy. Interactive Flash Flash can be implemented through a variety of ways, though many of them will require another application or tool to help create the Flash items.
Aplikasi tv offline di hp android. Adding a Flash movie is just like adding a video (see above). Take a look at these e-brochures from. You can find a number of ways to incorporate Flash videos for different projects with different goals.
The AAUC gives you links to add not only a splash of action to your PDF but some interactivity as well thanks to these. Audio Elements Some information is best transferred via sound. So why not hook some audio into your PDF? Find out how to effectively integrate sound with your content in this e-brochure from Uniquely Merit that showcases group vacations to a number of different countries.