Live A Better Life In 30 Days Pdf Viewer
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(Image: ) “I find television very educational. Every time someone switches it on I go into another room & read a good book.” – Groucho Marx “Hi Celes, mentioned that you do not watch TV or read the news. Not that I’m attempting to incorporate that into my life, but it seems quite unimaginable for me to give up TV or news. I’m interested to know your thoughts on this.” – E I’ve mentioned on and off that I don’t watch TV, and several readers have curiously asked me why I do that and how I manage life without TV. So I thought it’s about time I write an article on it.
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I haven’t been watching TV for a long time since 2006. By TV, I mean watching shows direct from TV networks or channel surfing.
I still catch my favorite shows off DVD or online, though the frequency is decreasing. The last new shows I caught were Prison Break and Dollhouse (as I’m a fan of Joss Whedon’s work), both of which have ended their runs. Advertisement In the past, I was a regular TV viewer like most people.
I wasn’t a TV addict or a couch potato, but I would watch TV whenever I feel like it, usually after school and in the evenings. That probably averaged out to a few hours a day. Shows I watched were drama serials, animes, and variety shows on SBC / TCS (now MediaCorp). Then, slowly, I watched less TV. It wasn’t that I just woke up one day and decided, This is it – I’m not going to watch TV from today onwards. It was more of a gradual transition to a TV-free life. During university years, I’d still catch an occasional drama or two. When I started work, I stopped watching altogether because I was so busy.
It remains that way even today. And truth be told, my life didn’t crash from not watching TV. Looking back, I don’t feel like I have missed out on anything. In fact, I feel my life has changed for the better. In the past years of not watching TV, I have experienced numerous positive changes, such as, more clarity, more time to do what I want, productivity, freedom, and so on. In fact, about a month ago, I tried watching TV again to see what it would be like after so many years of not watching. I gave myself one hour, but I couldn’t last beyond 20 minutes.
The shows felt boring, the programs seemed empty, the advertisements were pointless — it just felt like a waste of time. I’d much rather be doing something else. There are many reasons why I don’t watch TV, and here I share my 10 biggest reasons you should not watch TV. Watching TV Wastes Time “They put an off button on the TV for a reason. Turn it off.. I really don’t watch much TV.” – George W.
Bush Not watching TV has given me a lot more free time to do things I love. I remember in the past, I’d mark out the shows I wanted to watch on my schedule. Then I’d arrange my activities around them. While I was watching the shows, other activities had to be put on hold. I didn’t count, but I was probably spending at least 3 hours/day in front of the telly, if not more.
That’s quite a bit of time spent in front of the black box and doing nothing else. In retrospect, that was a big waste of my evenings. 5.1 hrs wasted away, every day Nielsen research showed the average American watched an average of 5.1 hours per day, or ). That’s one-third of the time we are awake! This figure is increasing too by the quarter.
5.1 hrs/day is nearly 2,000 hours a year, or 78 days – 2.5 full months. Even though these figures reflect the American population, the figures for other regions probably don’t deviate much. Advertisement With all this time spent watching TV, it’s a wonder how.
Just imagine if we working on our goals – we’d already be making so much headway in our goals by now! False sense of productivity The one thing I noticed about TV is how it gives you an illusion that you’re missing out from not watching. At least, it gave me that impression. The TV trailers would go “ This Thursday is Blockbuster Thursday – Be sure to catch Movie #1, Movie #2, Movie #3, back to back! You CANNOT miss this!” Or “ This holiday season, all the best movies are coming home to you!

You won’t want to miss this for anything!“ For a period of time, I’d take time out to catch those shows, and then feel accomplished after I’d watched them. But these shows never stop airing.
They just keep going on and on, and once you are done for the week, new trailers will run. It’s like a vacuum that sucks you in and keeps you there. I also realize that I don’t ever accomplish anything from watching TV. Yes it helps me to relax and chill out at first, but after a certain amount of time, I feel more sluggish and tired from watching. Then at the end of it, there’s no specific output. I’ve gained nothing and done nothing.