Dorma Tms Software
• ED100 / ED250 — Low Energy / Full Energy Swing Door Operators Service manual. • TABLE OF CONTENTS — ED100 / ED250 Service Manual Document information Operator system Safety Door signage – power operated pedestrian doors Door signage – low energy doors Maintenance Safety checks and inspection Operator environment and cleaning Maintenance Cover removal – accessing user interface User interface Internal program switches –. • Manual overview This manual is designed to provide service information regarding ED100 / ED250 swing door operator systems. These systems are used exclusively for opening and closing interior swing doors with the following door maximum weights: ED100: 220 lb [100 kg] . • Axle connection on both sides 13. Track and arm Drive system (motor/gear/spring) Spring tension adjustment – closing force 14.
Complete cover Slot for DORMA upgrade cards Internal program switches (2) User interface with information display DORMA AUTOMATICES, Inc. 924 Sherwood Drive.
TMS LON gateway Gateway for the networking of DORMA emergency exit control units withTMS LON modules, and for connection to PC systems with TMS Soft via USB interface. With the TMS Soft software, you can parameterise outputs as desired and visualise them.
• — Safety This document contains important instructions for safe Residual hazards operation of the ED100 / ED250. After installation, hazards such as minor crushing, Door signage information impact with limited force, and risk to unsupervised children may exist depending on structural design. • SERVICE MANUAL — Door signage – power operated pedestrian doors ED100 / ED250 is supplied with door sign decals to alert and instruct pedestrian traffic in operation and function of door. Method of activation determines combination of decals required.
Not all decals will be used in every application. • ED100 / ED250 SERVICE MANUAL — One-way traffic application Two-way traffic application 58” ± 5” 58” ± 5” One-way pair traffic application 58” ± 5” DORMA AUTOMATICES, Inc. 924 Sherwood Drive Toll-Free: 877-367-6211 Subject to change without notice DL3463-0. • SERVICE MANUAL — 14 Door signage – low energy doors ED100 / ED250 is supplied with door signs to alert and instruct pedestrian traffic in operation and function of the door.
For low energy applications, signs are specified in ANSI A156.19, paragraph 6. Voucher generator kartu 3. • Label outlines safety checks that should be performed daily condition.
The appropriate be in good condition. Signage should be present. Low energy swinging door controlled by ED100 / ED250 door operator. Have door inspected by an 6. Have door inspected by an AAADM certified inspector. • This can be done by setting Power switch Yellow on end of operator to OFF position (green LED goes out), and / or by setting 115 VAC ED100 / ED250 Power switch branch circuit disconnect to OFF position. Green 3.1 External surfaces of ED100 / ED250 operator system.